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Frequently Asked Questions
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What is changing?
The company name is changing: "Ouellet Group" will now be called "Innovair Solutions." All the group's subsidiaries – Ouellet Canada, Dettson Industries, Hazloc Heaters, Britech, Delta-Therm and Innovair Corporation – will continue their operations. There are no changes to contractual and/or legal relationships.
Why change the name Ouellet Group to Innovair Solutions?
The name Innovair Solutions identifies us as an industry leader in heating, ventilation and air conditioning. It represents what we do. It is also easy to pronounce in multiple languages.
When will the name Innovair Solutions be in effect?
Ouellet Group will become Innovair Solutions on January 30, 2023. You will gradually see the name Innovair Solutions appear within the next two years. Our product brands will keep their names, and we will continue to promote them.
Will Innovair Solutions continue to manufacture the same range of products?
Yes, Innovair Solutions will continue to manufacture and distribute all its product lines and brands.
Will there be a change in the level of service offered?
No, you will continue to enjoy the same quality of service from us and the same product quality our different brands are known for.
Will I deal with the same sales and customer service representatives?
Yes, our sales and customer service teams will stay the same.
What should I do if I have a question or need help with one of your products?
Our customer service and technical support teams are ready to help you. You can contact the sales representative for your region, your territory manager, Customer Service, or send us an email to ask for help.
I have a contract, price agreement or supplier agreement with one of your brands. Is it still valid?
Yes, all contracts are still valid. They could eventually be transferred to Innovair Solutions. You will be notified if this happens, but the terms and conditions of your current contract will not change.
Will the warranty for the products and services I have already bought remain valid?
The terms and conditions of these warranties will remain valid and unchanged. Innovair Solutions will handle all warranty and after-sales service claims.
Will you continue to sell products under the name of the existing companies, and if so, for how long?
Innovair Solutions will continue to sell products under the name of its existing brands. The name Innovair Solutions will soon appear but only on certain documents, some correspondence and on regulatory labels.
Will you have the same contact details?
Yes, mailing addresses, emails and telephone numbers will remain the same for now. We will notify you if there are any changes.